Wednesday, 16 September 2015



Rocawear, UNIF and Obey

There are three very popular clothing brands at the moment which are pushing all Illuminati and Masonic symbolism in a massive and obvious way. The names of these brands are OBEY, UNIF and Rocawear, which is owned by the Illuminati puppet Jay Z. Here I'll show you a long list of images with designs of each brand, exposing the evil behind these companies.


I'd like to start with the brand I found last, which just by its name, one can figure out their purpose, to get you to "OBEY" the system of the Beast, obey a tyrannical Government, obey a senseless President, obey the Media telling you what to think and how to vote, obey the TV telling you what do and how to act, etc.
Here you have a shirt promoting chaos, which is exactly what the Illuminati wants in order to bring a New World Order, just like the Masonic motto says, "Ordo ab Chao", meaning Order out of Chaos.

Notice how the guy in the shirt is covering one of his eyes just like all Illuminati puppets in the Music Industry. Not only that, but he is doing it with the Dollar sign, the god of many, symbol which has the brand's logo at the top, which is basically a pentagram with a mean face inside.
A friend pointed out to me, that the face on the logo is that of the wrestler known as Andre the Giant. After doing some research, I realized the art was created by  Shepard Fairey in 1989 as an experiment in phenomenology, the study of conscious experience, after a while, the image became known worldwide and Fairey altered it into the OBEY Giant.
[Source: Wikipedia]

The OBEY brand began using the Giant's face inside a pentagram as their logo, which you can see a lot better on the next image. I found interesting the fact that in Scriptures it says that the giants were the offspring of the Fallen Angels, and the word used in the Bible as Giant, is the Hebrew Nephilim, which means Fallen Ones, just like Lucifer is the main fallen one.  Plus the name "Andre" means Warrior and the fallen one Lucifer is coming to destroy the earth with war and pestilence through the Antichrist. Notice also how they have altered the logo in such a way so that the face in the pentagram clearly has a horn on its forehead, not only that but they also placed a crown on it, so after putting it all together, it seems like they are representing the fallen angel Lucifer, whom they worship as god/king, through rituals in which they use Pentagrams.

On the next design, there's the same star, on top of another one, many times used to represent a star-gate by which spiritual entities can go through. Besides this, to clear all doubt of the occult nature of this brand, both pentagrams are surrounded by an Ouroboros, which is a serpent eating its own tail, an occult symbol that represents an eternal cycle of renovation, exactly what the Masonic Motto mentioned above means, bringing a new order through chaos, destroying the way in which they controlled everyone in the past age, to go to a more efficient order for them, one of total control.

In the next shirt, you can see the brand, slogan and logo being associated with something evil, all in one picture. The design has the image of what is known as the Grim Reaper, the personification of death, with the pentagram as a mark on its forehead, and it reads "Obey" on the bottom. The only possible interpretation for this design, which by the way is obvious, is simply "Obey death".

The Bible tells us all we need to know about death, here are just a few verses just to show you what these clothing brands are trying to do.

Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of YHWH Almighty is eternal life in the Messiah Yahushua our Sovereign.

So if you Obey death, then your master is sin.

1 Corinthians 15:56
The sting of death is sin...

In the next verse, the personification of Wisdom speaks regarding this subject.

Proverbs 8:36
But he who sins against me wrongs his own soul; All those who hate me love death.”

Obeying death means hating wisdom.
How smart can that be? This is the most rhetorical question ever, yet people are wearing these shirts, supporting the message and spreading it all over.
For the next design, they decided to use another one of their occult symbols, the emblem of the Secret Society "Skull & Bones", which has its headquarters located at the Yale University, in their temple named the Tomb. Many important personalities have been part of this brotherhood, for instance George W. Bush, his father and even his grandfather.

Besides having the so commonly used "Skull & Bones" symbol, they placed an hourglass with wings at the top, which seems to suggest that time is flying and is about to be over, judging by all the sand being on the bottom. The skull and bones symbol is also used many times to represent death, no wonder the secret society began with the name "the brotherhood of death", so this design on the shirt could also mean the same as the shirt above, "obey death".

The next image has a more subtle message, however I believe that if you have done any research on Mind Control programs like MK-Ultra conducted by the CIA and some of its victims who have become quite famous, then you may find it obvious.

I though it was interesting how they made a connection between the "OBEY" order, and the cartoonish drawing looking like Mickey Mouse, which reminded me of the Mickey Mouse club, where many of the aforementioned mind control programs were conducted on innocent victims while they were only children, like Britney Spears who has had her share of issues during the past few years, not being able to control the multiple personalities which arose due to the mind control programming.
Next we have another obvious design having the "All Seeing Eye" of Lucifer, which I have discussed in many other articles, not only in big, but also in a very small scale, to the right of the picture, in what they are making appear as the beginning of a tear, yet seems to actually be the top of the common Illuminati pyramid, even with a letter "I" above it, to say "eye", just like in the logo for Britain's Secret Service.

The big eye on the shirt, has a very small skull in the middle, again associating their brand with death. The message of the shirt is clearly to "obey the eye of Lucifer", eye which is also present in many other Obey t-shirts.
The following design could not get more blatant, having the eye inside the pyramid, emitting the light which Lucifer, the light bearer holds, supposedly enlightening those who worship him, ergo their name, Illuminati, meaning enlightened, those who call themselves the elite and wish to be hailed, just like the shirt suggests, for all to "hail the ruling elite".

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