Monday 14 September 2015

Man jailed after changing ex-girlfriend’s Facebook profile pic to explicit image in act of revenge


Man jailed after changing ex-girlfriend’s Facebook profile pic to explicit image in act of revenge.

A 29-year-old British man apparently didn’t realize there are “revenge porn” laws now that provide some pretty stiff penalties for posting nude photos of exes online. He changed the Facebook profile photo of his ex-girlfriend to an intimate photo of her he had from when they were together,and now he’s suffering the legal consequences.

The New York Daily News reports,
Samuel Bishop, 29, pleaded guilty to breaking new revenge porn laws in the UK after he uploaded the snap more than four years after the pair had separated.
It was only in May this year that the victim realized that her profile picture had been changed to an intimate image taken by Bishop when they were together.
Cops discovered that malicious Bishop also sent the snap to eight other people in a private message.
Bishop was jailed for 40 weeks and ordered to pay $3,000 compensation to his ex-girlfriend. Now his mugshot and story are all over the Internet. Hope it was worth it.

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